For World Quantum Day, Sydney quantum researchers and students share behind the scenes images from their work and studies at Sydney Quantum Academy partner universities: the University of Sydney, UNSW, UTS and Macquarie University. 

“A close-up of a linear Paul trap made of gold and sapphire housed inside a stainless steel ultra-high vacuum vessel. We freeze atomic ions at the centre of the gold structure (middle of picture) in an ion trap. Then, we shoot lasers at the ions to run quantum algorithms!”  
– Dr Ting Rei Tan, SQA Research Fellow, Quantum Control Laboratory (QCL), University of Sydney.  
“Quantum technologies enable us to explore realities of nature that are out of reach for classical technologies. During my PhD I learnt how we can take advantage of quantum computers to solve problems that are intractable for classical computers. I also learnt how we can build a quantum processors in silicon using the spins of atoms.”
– Irene Fernández de Fuentes, SQA PhD Scholarship recipient in the Fundamental Quantum
Technologies Laboratory
“An action shot from inside the Quantum Materials and Applications Group Lab at Macquarie University. Here I was monitoring the motion of levitated nanocrystal with Dr Reece Roberts, using new state-of-the-art equipment from Liquid Instruments. Snapped by another SQA Research Fellow, Dr Zixin Huang.”
– Dr Cyril Laplane, SQA Research Fellow, Macquarie University
Sydney quantum researchers and students share pictures from behind the scenes during their work at Sydney Quantum Academy partner universities: the University of Sydney, UNSW, UTS and Macquarie University. 
"A snap from the SQA Undergraduate Summer Research Program with fellow undergrads Jacinta May and Krittika Kumar. My research explored semiconductor hole spin qubits with Professor Alex Hamilton’s QED group at UNSW. Getting practical experience with quantum devices alongside FLEET and QED researchers was incredibly interesting and furthered my future interest in quantum technologies."
- Marcus To, SQA undergraduate scholarship recipient, University of Technology Sydney.
“My colleague Dr Mikolaj Schmidt in a moment of thought, investigating Hamiltonians in quantum optics with a student.”
- Dr Zixin Huang, SQA Fellow, Macquarie University.

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