PhD Scholarship Program

Our PhD Scholarship Program fosters excellence amongst postgraduate candidates undertaking research and training in a field related to quantum science and technology.

Applications for the following scholarships are now open:

SQA Partnership PhD Scholarship

Next Generation Quantum Graduates Program (NGQGP)

Stream 4 of the SQA PhD Scholarship providing access to the SQA PhD Experience Program (applications open on the 28 August 2024 for all other streams of the SQA PhD Scholarship)

SQA PhD student Raji Nair working on a quantum tower [SQA]

Find a scholarship that’s right for you

Finding the perfect scholarship can be a daunting task, especially with varying criteria to consider. Take a look at our matrix to help you find the scholarship that’s right for you.

*Applications for Stream 4 of the SQA PhD Scholarship providing access to the SQA PhD Experience are currently open.  All other streams open on the 28 August 2024.

**Domestic students include Australian citizens, permanent residents, a person entitled to stay in Australia, or to enter and stay in Australia, without any limitation as to time and a New Zealand citizen. International students must either hold or be able to obtain a valid visa for the duration of the specified term.

This table is a guide only - please ensure you read the application details closely on the relevant scholarship page (see links above).

How do I find a supervisor and/or project?

Our scholarship program offers an array of research projects spanning quantum science and technology across our partner universities.

For SQA Partnership PhD Scholarship: Undertake research projects co-designed and supervised by researchers from UNSW Sydney and CSIRO. Discover the research projects that are available. You will need a relevant research proposal for one of these projects and an endorsement from the specific research supervisor.

For Next Generation Quantum Graduate Program: Discover the industry-engaged research projects that are available. Industry placements include Diraq, Eigensystems, KPMG and BTQ. You will need a relevant research proposal for one of these projects and an endorsement from the specific research supervisor. These scholarships are made possible by CSIRO’s Next Generation Quantum Graduates Program

PhD Experience Program

The PhD Experience program is a supportive community for Sydney’s growing quantum PhD community, offering specialised training, seminars, networking  and work experience opportunities designed to give you a competitive edge in quantum’s future workforce.

Our PhD scholarship recipients

Discover more about our current and past scholarship recipients.

Quantum computer

Images courtesy of the Australian National Fabrication Facility at UNSW and the University of Sydney.