Quantum Tech Camp 2024

Sydney Quantum Academy and Qubit by Qubit recently joined forces to run the third-annual quantum tech camp for Australian high school students.   

The three-day quantum bootcamp ran from 21-23 May online and in-person at the Central West Leadership Academy, Dubbo, NSW. 

The camp was designed for high school students (years 9-12) to explore about the fascinating world of quantum physics including phenomena like superposition and entanglement. Participants also learnt about the massive potential of quantum computing and the career pathways available in quantum science and technology.  

The program was offered in partnership with the NSW Government through the Regional Industry Education Partnerships program and IBM Quantum.  Read more about the camp here.

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Our activities

Open Day - in July 2022 we ran an open day with our partner universities at The Quantum Terminal to deep dive into the undergraduate and postgraduate quantum student experience, and the many study options available.  We also had some fun quantum demonstrations on hand. Check out the recording from the day.

Outreach Ambassadors - We have a great team of enthusiastic outreach ambassadors available for school presentations or outreach events. Contact us at info.sqa@sydney.edu.au if you have an event coming up.

Get updates on outreach activities - Sign up to our mailing list + select "community and schools outreach" to receive updates on upcoming outreach activities and events.

ambassadors speaking with students at quantum open day in front of screens