For students

Want to explore your options and give your future quantum career that extra boost? An internship will give you firsthand experience of what it’s like to work in industry and help broaden your skill set.  Benefits include:

  • Strengthening your interdisciplinary and interpersonal skills
  • Improving your attractiveness to potential employers
  • Gaining invaluable connections
  • Exploring the many career paths on offer
  • Improving your understanding of the commercial sector and real-world quantum applications
  • Strengthening your ability to communicate with industry for future funding applications or seeking collaborations.

Please see below to register your interest for an industry internship and to be notified of opportunities.


The Sydney Quantum Academy team is working with industry to identify internships in a variety of fields.  We’re seeking internship opportunities for students in quantum focused roles across industry and government, as well as non-quantum roles in the quantum industry (e.g. product development, marketing).  Internships will in most cases involve paid roles, may vary in duration, and be part- or full-time.

You can expect to be working alongside professionals on a real-life project, matched to your abilities.

All undergraduate and postgraduate students studying quantum related subjects, or subjects relevant to quantum businesses (e.g. computer science, engineering, mathematics, physics, science, business or law) in Australia are welcome to submit an expression of interest (EOI).

Please note preference will be given to students currently enrolled at SQA’s four partner universities (University of Sydney, UNSW Sydney, University of Technology Sydney and Macquarie University).

International students studying in Australia must have the appropriate visa to cover the duration of the internship period.

The information you supply with the EOI will help us match you with opportunities best suited to your circumstances, skill set and interests.  We will also assess your eligibility for potential roles according to your home institution’s requirements for candidature, duration, and payments.

Preference will be given to students currently enrolled at SQA’s four partner universities (University of Sydney, UNSW Sydney, University of Technology  Sydney and Macquarie University). 

Register by completing our expression of interest (EOI) form.

Make sure you have an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) on hand to submit along with your details. Your CV should include:

  • Educational history - List all degrees studied in your educational history, indicating the name of the degree, university, years studied and GPA (if known). If you completed a thesis as part of your degree, provide its title, the mark and list your supervisor(s).
  • Employment history - List your employer, your role, duration of employment, duties and achievements.
  • Awards list (if applicable) - any awards received throughout your tertiary study or employment.
  • Publications/ papers (if applicable) - Provide a list of publications that have been accepted or published. Do not list publications that are submitted. Do not attach publications/papers to your application.
  • Two referees - You must provide two referees.
  • Other information - You may provide other information in the CV that you think is relevant to your application, for example, information about research interests, research experience, contribution to community or other key skills.

For further CV tips see below from our partner universities:

General opportunities will be sent via email to all students who have registered via the EOI form.

However, for some opportunities, external organisations or entities offering an internship may wish to shortlist candidates based on the responses supplied with the EOI form mentioned above.

Please note, you may also be asked to complete a separate application with the external organisation or entity.

For more information on some of our most frequently asked questions, please read our SQA Internship FAQs.

For employers

Our partnership with four of Australia’s leading universities provides access to a diverse pool of PhD and undergraduate students studying quantum or quantum related disciplines. This includes quantum PhD students participating in SQA’s PhD Experience Program, designed to develop highly skilled, multidisciplinary, and work-ready candidates.

An intern can bring a host of benefits to your organisation, whether it be extra expertise for a short-term project or helping to identify talent for future roles. Benefits include:

  • Building collaborations with research expertise based in academia
  • Approaching challenges with different perspectives, strengths and specialised skill sets
  • Fostering leadership skills in your current employees
  • Access to and application of the latest techniques and thinking
  • Building visibility of your organisation in the Sydney quantum ecosystem
  • Contributing to the work-readiness of your future workforce.


You can advertise your existing programs with SQA or work with us to develop new internships suited to your organisation’s needs.

We’re seeking internships within organisations operating in the quantum ecosystem, exploring quantum applications or seeking to benefit from quantum technology. If you have an established internship program, we can assist by advertising the program, as well as student selection and shortlisting from our diverse student talent pool.

The advertised role must involve a placement within the organisation applying to be part of SQA’s internship program; we will not accept applications from third parties.

All internships advertised with us must provide practical training, real experience, and mentoring opportunities. Students must be assigned a dedicated supervisor/mentor.

The duration and mode of the internship can vary to meet the needs of your organisation.

We expect interns will be paid at the appropriate level in adherence to Fair Work Australia. For organisations without the financial means, we can work with you to explore options around co-funded internships.

To register your current internship program or interest in taking on a quantum intern, please complete our industry expression of interest form.

Alternatively, please email us at to arrange a discussion.

Current internship opportunities

Great news! There are several organisations currently seeking students for internships.

If you are considering applying, please send us an email at so we can assist you in the application process.  

engineers in lab coats