Google announces further investment in quantum computing at Sydney universities
Google invests in Australia's quantum computing research under the Digital Future Initiative.

Google has announced it’s expanding its investment in quantum computing research with Macquarie University and University of Technology Sydney, and launching new partnerships with University of Sydney and UNSW — all partners of Sydney Quantum Academy.
The Sydney quantum experts involved in Google's efforts include Professor Dominic Berry (MQ), Professor Susan Coppersmith (UNSW), A/Professor Ivan Kassal (USyd), Professor Michael Bremner and Dr Maria Kieferova (UTS).
Hartmut Neven — the Engineering Vice President, Google AI Quantum Team — said "this collaborative research will help tackle issues of global significance and will span the gamut from Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Hardware research".
“Teams will look into ways to make quantum computing useful and usable, exploring application fields like sensing, communications and materials science – which have the potential to change how we interact with our world."
The announcement follows the launch of Google’s Digital Future Initiative in November 2021— a $1 billion investment over five years, in Australian infrastructure, research and partnerships.
Read more about what this means for quantum research in Hartmut's blog and the latest about Google’s first ever research hub in Australia, Google Research Australia.