SQA headquarters move to Tech Central
The SQA business operations team will be moving to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s (CBA) Axle building at South Eveleigh. SQA is fortunate to have office space generously provided by CBA. South Eveleigh is a technology and innovation precinct being brought to life by Mirvac and its consortium partners, AMP Capital and Sunsuper. It is located within Sydney’s Tech Central, set to be one of Australia’s biggest technology hubs where there will also be space for other start-ups and technology enterprises. Recently, Atlassian announced they will build their Australian headquarters within Tech Central.
A media release was published from the office of Hon. Stuart Ayres, Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney. SQA thanks Marcus Strom from the University of Sydney, and the NSW Treasury Office for their assistance with preparing and coordinating this press release.