Ways to study quantum

Looking to study or specialise in quantum science and technology?  Browse the list below for relevant degrees and units of study from our partners: 

Quantum units of study

Our partner universities also offer a range of course units related to quantum science and technology. Browse the table below to see what is available. These units of study have been organised by the recommended year of study. However, please ensure you refer to your own degree structure to determine the best stage to undertake a chosen unit.  

You will also need to review your current degree award requirements to determine if you are eligible to undertake any of the units shown below.  For more information contact your University or the course coordinator for your chosen unit of study shown in the list below. See our helpful guide on how to apply for cross-institutional study.

  • PHYS2030 The Structure of Matter

    Second year of study
    session Session 2
    Science and Engineering - School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

    This unit provides a survey of the physics of the very small including atoms, the nucleus and the fundamental particles of the standard model, and their description in terms of quantum mechanics – the most successful and accurate theory in modern physics. As well as being the theory that underlies most of modern physics, it also provides a viewpoint about the nature of the physical world that is completely at odds with our everyday intuition. Read more 


    Second year of study
    session Session 2
  • PHYS2010 Classical and Quantum Oscillations and Waves

    Second year of study
    session Session 1
    School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

    Harmonic oscillation and wave motion are central to many areas of physics, ranging from the mechanical vibrations of machinery and nanoscale springs, to the propagation of sound and light waves, and the probability-amplitude waves encountered in quantum mechanics. See more


    P: (PHYS106 or PHYS1020 or PHYS143 or PHYS1520) and (MATH133 or MATH136 or MATH1020 or MATH1025) 

    C: MATH2010 or MATH2055 or MATH235 

    Course Coordinator:

    Prof Mark Wardle

    Second year of study
    session Session 1
  • PHYS3180 Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics

    Third year of study
    session Session 1
    Science and Engineering - School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

    This unit introduces basic thermodynamic principles and connects them with the physical laws and the statistical nature of the microscopic world governing the behaviour of the matter around us. We start out with the concept of temperature and investigate the emergence of the Boltzmann factor in the canonical ensemble. See more 


    P: (PHYS201 or PHYS2010) and (PHYS202 or PHYS2020) and (MATH235 or MATH2010). 

    C: PHYS301 or PHYS3010 

    Course Coordinator:

    A/Prof Thomas Volz

    Third year of study
    session Session 1
  • PHYS3140 Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Optics

    Third year of study
    session Session 2
    Science and Engineering - School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

    Quantum mechanics is perhaps the most fundamental of all theories of modern physics. While its consequences are most readily seen in the microscopic world of elementary particles, atoms and molecules; quantum mechanics provides a set of rules that apply to all physical phenomena: the universe as a whole is governed by its laws. See more


    P: PHYS303 or PHYS3130 or PHYS2030 

    Third year of study
    session Session 2
  • PHYS2111 Quantum Physics

    Second year of study
    session Term 1
    Science - School of Physics

    Quantum mechanics addresses the interesting wave-like quantised physical phenomena that occur at microscopic scales. The subject was a major research focus of the ‘modern physics’ revolution of the 1900s and is shaping as a key technology driver of the early 2000s. This first course in quantum mechanics provides students with a broad and comprehensive introduction to the technical fundamentals of quantum mechanics and builds a strong foundation for further studies. Topics covered include See more


    P: DPST1022 or PHYS1221 or DPST1021 or PHYS1231 or PHYS1241 and MATH1231 or DPST1014 or MATH1241 

    N: PHYS2110 

    Course Coordinator:

    Prof Adam Micolich

    Second year of study
    session Term 1